Dashboard Cookies In 3 Easy Steps

We are in the middle of a heat wave, hitting triple digits in most of the Southwest; it is hot! So hot, my car is reading 105 outside and when I tried to measure the temp inside, the thermometer exploded. That’s how hot it is. So, put that heat to work and do some baking. In my first attempt to bake cookies it the car, I was surprised how easy it is and BONUS — my car smells amazing.

Step 1 – Purchase some refrigerated cookie dough. (You can make dough too, but don’t exert yourself, remember, it’s hot.)

Step 2 – Place the cookies on a cookie sheet. (Or let your kids do all the work.)

Step 3 – Place the cookie sheet on the dash in the car.

Then just check them periodically for doneness. It took about 3 hours to bake.

Voila! Cookies! The oven stayed off and you’re sure to get a thumbs-up.

Kids’ Reactions to Music Videos

As children of the ’80s and, uh, older children of the ’90s, we have soft spots for certain music videos. When Lexi was trying to explain ’90s boy bands to her kids, they just couldn’t grasp the idea—and showing them an *NSYNC video didn’t seem to help much. (OK, it didn’t help at all.)

But what do our kids think about some of the other music videos we loved from back in the day (with our added dance moves)? Watch. Because wow.


Attention: Families with children

For more than 30 years, the Bernalillo County’s Office of Health and Social Services have provided free and nutritious meals to our community. If you are or if you know of a family in need, please share this information. The free lunch program will be in effect through August 5, 2016 at various locations and available to children 1 to 18 years of age.

Follow the link for complete details: Free Summer Lunch Program

Summer meals

Go (mini)Figure!

For some odd reason Legos become a much bigger player in your daily existence when your have kids, and as Lexi is about to find out, she is now deep in the building block world in a way she never could have imagined. Sure, she visited Legoland twice, sure she has boxes upon boxes of the connecting blocks, but now there is this:

Thanks to Funky 3-D Faces Carmelina and Lexi are now going to travel the world.