Old Jeans Can Help Giraffes

We all have them, those old jeans we’ve kept in our closets for the last couple of decades, because we know one day, they’ll fit again. They won’t! I tried. (Really, watch the video.)

Why not donate them for a good cause?

Now through September 5, 2016, you can donate your old denim to the Albuquerque BioPark to benefit the giraffe sanctuary. Clean denim can dropped off at the collection boxes at the Zoo or the New Mexico BioPark Society‘s office.

Make room in your closet for new jeans, while helping our long-necked friends at the same time.



Gallon A Day Water Challenge: Drowning In Success

Water Challenge

I have never been afraid of a challenge, and being nominated for this one, the Gallon A Day Water Challenge, my initial reaction was one of triumph.

“It’s just water, I got this!” I said to myself, then carefully began to count, measure and break down my nemesis. Although I do not fear stepping out beyond my comfort zone, I am very much a Virgo and have to, in an orderly fashion, understand my enemy and break it down into manageable parts.

Once I convinced myself that it was “only” 8 pints, I began to drink.

The first thing I noticed was, I had to pee all the time! About every twenty minutes I was headed for or in search of the ladies room. The most surprising revelation came in the form of thirst. In my drinking days, I used to say, “I drank all night and still woke up thirsty.” Of course laughing off my hangover and giving myself an excuse to start drinking again. But now, it was true, the more I drank the thirstier I became.

I also realized my original proclamation of victory was wrong. It is hard to drink a gallon of water every day. With Poseidon not on my side, I needed to change-up my routine. So, I recalculated my 128 ounces and found some larger vessels to drown in and take me to the finish line.

Although I did feel hydrated, and I do think, on a daily basis I will drink more water than I did before, I never experienced the euphoria others have reported. But I’m glad I did it and I think you will be too. So, now I will pass the baton (or water bottle) to you, it’s your turn for the Gallon A Day Water Challenge.

Wildtree Workshop


Our Wildtree food journey is coming to an end, and like most adventures the climax peaks at the conclusion. We began with the introduction and explanation of what meal planning is and the ease of being healthy in What’s For Dinner? Then we hit the grocery store with professional help and the Best Grocery Tips Ever. Now, we embark on the Workshop with our contest winner Raesha, Wildtree enthusiast Mari, Katherine from Katherine’s Wildtree Workshops, Lexi and myself. The prep took us about an hour, and in that time, in addition to measuring, bagging and massaging the meals (yes, massaging), we talked food, family and laughed with each other.

Our degree of food prep experience ranges from expert to amateur, but our desire to feed our families in the most beneficial way possible is something we all have in common, and if you have not attended a workshop before, join us by watching this video. Make a Wildtree Mojito (like we did), get your bundle and start prepping.

Or attend the next workshop in person. The August 2016 workshop with Katherine is the 28th and 29th, registration ends Sunday, August 19th and when you mention On The Rocks with Carmelina and Lexi you’ll get $20 off the price of a bundle through August. Contact Katherine at 505-720-9957 or at Katherine’s Wildtree Workshops on Facebook.

Check out : August Workshop

Best Grocery Trip Ever

I’ve been reporting and writing about healthy eating and nutrition for the better part of two decades, and making food for my family for nine years. So you’d think I’d qualify as at least some kind of expert when it comes to shopping strategically and preparing proper meals, right? Wrong!

Katherine from Wildtree set me up with a shopping list and took me to Smith’s, where she showed me—aisle by aisle—things I just never knew. Watch her tips, below—and then join us on Sunday for a Wildtree workshop where we put three weeks’ worth of meals together!

Pokémon A Go Go

PikachuEveryone is hunting for Pokémon these days, even my seven year-old and me. On our walks and adventures, with Pokéballs at the ready, we have covered quite a bit of ground. Of course, not being masters we have not walked off any cliffs or into moving traffic, but as they say, practice makes perfect. And I have already embarrassed my son by accidentally saying, “Pokéman.” I received a stiff talking to and was referred to as a “noob.” If you want to save face in front of your bright-eyed all-knowing children, avoid these three things:

  1. Pronunciation is key — it’s “mon” like you are from Jamaica.
  2. Never jump and scream with glee — just play it cool when you finally catch your level one Pidgey or Zubat.
  3. Real things are not Pokémon — you can keep staring at your wine glass, it’s never going to turn into a Pokémon.

Once you have mastered these concepts, and never before, that’s when you turn the tables with your own bit of knowledge:

  1. The name Ekans is snake backward — they’ll act as if they aren’t impressed, but they are getting ready to ask their friends if they can say “snake” backward and then impart their knowledge on them.
  2. Ask them if they have seen the new Pokemon Go Plus due out in September 2016 — then follow-up with “no” when they ask if they can have one. (That’s what they get for calling you a noob.)
  3. Take them to the library and let them know, it is not only a Pokéstop but also a Gym and if you hold a Gym, you get free stuff. At least my neighborhood library, the North Valley Branch is, and if you can get them to the library by dangling the carrot, more power to you.

Have fun, be safe and happy hunting fellow noobs!