Wildtree Workshop


Our Wildtree food journey is coming to an end, and like most adventures the climax peaks at the conclusion. We began with the introduction and explanation of what meal planning is and the ease of being healthy in What’s For Dinner? Then we hit the grocery store with professional help and the Best Grocery Tips Ever. Now, we embark on the Workshop with our contest winner Raesha, Wildtree enthusiast Mari, Katherine from Katherine’s Wildtree Workshops, Lexi and myself. The prep took us about an hour, and in that time, in addition to measuring, bagging and massaging the meals (yes, massaging), we talked food, family and laughed with each other.

Our degree of food prep experience ranges from expert to amateur, but our desire to feed our families in the most beneficial way possible is something we all have in common, and if you have not attended a workshop before, join us by watching this video. Make a Wildtree Mojito (like we did), get your bundle and start prepping.

Or attend the next workshop in person. The August 2016 workshop with Katherine is the 28th and 29th, registration ends Sunday, August 19th and when you mention On The Rocks with Carmelina and Lexi you’ll get $20 off the price of a bundle through August. Contact Katherine at 505-720-9957 or at Katherine’s Wildtree Workshops on Facebook.

Check out : August Workshop

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