Gallon A Day Water Challenge: Drowning In Success

Water Challenge

I have never been afraid of a challenge, and being nominated for this one, the Gallon A Day Water Challenge, my initial reaction was one of triumph.

“It’s just water, I got this!” I said to myself, then carefully began to count, measure and break down my nemesis. Although I do not fear stepping out beyond my comfort zone, I am very much a Virgo and have to, in an orderly fashion, understand my enemy and break it down into manageable parts.

Once I convinced myself that it was “only” 8 pints, I began to drink.

The first thing I noticed was, I had to pee all the time! About every twenty minutes I was headed for or in search of the ladies room. The most surprising revelation came in the form of thirst. In my drinking days, I used to say, “I drank all night and still woke up thirsty.” Of course laughing off my hangover and giving myself an excuse to start drinking again. But now, it was true, the more I drank the thirstier I became.

I also realized my original proclamation of victory was wrong. It is hard to drink a gallon of water every day. With Poseidon not on my side, I needed to change-up my routine. So, I recalculated my 128 ounces and found some larger vessels to drown in and take me to the finish line.

Although I did feel hydrated, and I do think, on a daily basis I will drink more water than I did before, I never experienced the euphoria others have reported. But I’m glad I did it and I think you will be too. So, now I will pass the baton (or water bottle) to you, it’s your turn for the Gallon A Day Water Challenge.

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