Because Balloons Are For Kids

It’s that time of year again to welcome the International Balloon Fiesta back to Albuquerque, when our dogs go crazy to the sound of a fire-breathing dragon outside our windows and we look on in awe of the amazing beauty and fragility of a floating flower. This is one of the benefits of living in The Land of Enchantment and the Albuquerque Public School system in conjunction with the Fiesta, does an excellent job of making sure this event is accessible to our elementary school kids.

Now in it’s twelfth year, Albuquerque Aloft will take place on Friday, October 6th, with balloons inflating around 6:45 a.m. and launching soon after from seventy area elementary schools, if the weather allows.

Thanks APS for sharing a true Albuquerque treasure with ALL our kids.

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